Hello Everyone!
As Christmas draws near I thought it time to offer some words of peaceful greetings and happiness to all of you for the season.
It has been a year of contrasts for me in RL and in SL but here I am, facing the end of the year with renewed optimism and hope for a peaceful 2012.
In SL, around March, I built Naked Dreams. It was the end of the flu season here and I had a few days off to recover, a perfect time to build a new sim.
There's enough in my previous blog writings about the Island. I know so many of you love it and visit the Island regularly. I actually do love the Island. On a recent break away from any computer interaction, I felt like I was coming home again when I finally rezzed there. It was awesome!
I have loved the last nine months in the Eden archipelago. I have so much enjoyed meeting all of my new friends and keeping in with all my old friends in SL and I have continued to be impressed by various builds and new ideas in SL.
I have seen two new naturist Islands developed in SL in 2011 that I respect greatly. One is Su Casa. Built by my wonderful and loyal friend Gray and his band of merry nudist friends, the island offers peace and a beautiful safe place to enjoy our SL pass-time.
Now there is a new place to visit. The Lost Garden Naturist Park is set to a more European theme and its sparseness offers a unique take on SL Naturism. My old friend InstantKarma has carefully constructed a uber relaxing place for everyone in SL to enjoy. If you want to see it before a membership fee kicks in, I suggest you get over there ASAP.
Minimal is the layout and design. Wondering around the grassed fields while looking at rugged mountain peaks in a naturist setting is the theme and its well worth a visit.
Not that I haven't seen a myriad of other wonderful builds and places to enjoy in SL this year! The creative thinking behind every avatar is always a wondrous thing to see. What an amazing world we have created in our Cyberworld!
Peace and goodwill to you all. May the worst of the last year be washed away by an optimism for a peaceful and joyful 2012!
May you all have a safe and relaxing Christmas with your loved one and familles and I hope you all have a visit from the jolly fat guy in the red suit!
Merry Christmas!
Teresa Korhonen