As we move into 2012 well and truly now, we can look to the future of our beloved Second Life with some concern.
I found an article (link attached below) where they talk about Hard Alley closing down due to lack of funds to run the place. I have to say I am not a regular visitor of this sim, or many like it.
I tend to hang out on my naturist sim Naked Dreams and relax on its palm laden, sun soaked beaches and tranquil forests, but Hard Alley possibly closing does pose a question on the on-going viability of the Grid.
SL constantly changes but is it drying up?
While this is not a 'beg' blog post, I for one find it very hard to keep going in SL. I built a place for people to relax in and in no way am I ever going to beg for donations. It was my decision to build Naked Dreams. I could have easily said no. The simple fact is, it costs lots of money to fund a sim like this and I don't charge a membership or entry fee. I have 2 small tip jars, one at entry and one on top of the underwater viewing room. Unless you are prepared to get an Adult sim full of inane sex animations, you can only expect a few visitors to your Island. Personally, I know visitors to ND prefer it this way, nice and quiet..
We fund Naked Dreams through the generous donations of real money from the Sims owners, Elbag and Brenda who run the Eden group from love and passion. I pay a large percentage of the rest of the tier while hopefully, the 4 units on ND are rented out most of the time. If even only one unit is not rented out, as I have now, there is instantly a shortfall of funds over the top of the money already put aside to pay the tier.
Donations in SL have all but dried up. Don't budget for anything via tip jars or donations really these days if you plan to open a sim. So different to the past where people knew someone had to pay to keep these places afloat.
When I first joined SL, I learned how to build and offered my services in exchange for a place to live in-world. Most of these arrangements failed after a short time when the novelty of having me on their sim passed. You can still see replies to some of my blog entries from these of these people in my blog.
I decided to chip in and pay my way in real cash to have my own piece of pixilated paradise. Well, the day is fast approaching where I will not be able to maintain my little piece of paradise any longer.
The point is, SL has changed. That's a given, but its changed in a way that will limit its future. The days of wandering alone on public land could be a thing of the past with more membership fees being charged to visitors by the sim owners if they wish to remain viable.
The platform itself has not moved with technology either. Constant sim reboots and crashing avatars all adds to the frustration. Friends are fewer on the platform too. The PS3, Iphone, Xbox, Wii and so many other technologically superior elements all compete with the escape from reality that most chase in SL.
Read the article to see some amazing insights into our beloved SL.
I can't have a go at anyone who wrote the comments below the main article because many I agree with, and even though I find some of the comments distasteful at best, I can say I admire 'Required' who posted on January 26 (Australia Day) and who could see the plight of genuine people with good hearts that only tried to enhance the grid, and who only tried to make it more beautiful.
If I last in SL another 11 months it will be nothing short of a miracle!
Love and naked dreams to you all!