Monday, December 19, 2011
Merry Christmas to you all!
Hello Everyone!
As Christmas draws near I thought it time to offer some words of peaceful greetings and happiness to all of you for the season.
It has been a year of contrasts for me in RL and in SL but here I am, facing the end of the year with renewed optimism and hope for a peaceful 2012.
In SL, around March, I built Naked Dreams. It was the end of the flu season here and I had a few days off to recover, a perfect time to build a new sim.
There's enough in my previous blog writings about the Island. I know so many of you love it and visit the Island regularly. I actually do love the Island. On a recent break away from any computer interaction, I felt like I was coming home again when I finally rezzed there. It was awesome!
I have loved the last nine months in the Eden archipelago. I have so much enjoyed meeting all of my new friends and keeping in with all my old friends in SL and I have continued to be impressed by various builds and new ideas in SL.
I have seen two new naturist Islands developed in SL in 2011 that I respect greatly. One is Su Casa. Built by my wonderful and loyal friend Gray and his band of merry nudist friends, the island offers peace and a beautiful safe place to enjoy our SL pass-time.
Now there is a new place to visit. The Lost Garden Naturist Park is set to a more European theme and its sparseness offers a unique take on SL Naturism. My old friend InstantKarma has carefully constructed a uber relaxing place for everyone in SL to enjoy. If you want to see it before a membership fee kicks in, I suggest you get over there ASAP.
Minimal is the layout and design. Wondering around the grassed fields while looking at rugged mountain peaks in a naturist setting is the theme and its well worth a visit.
Not that I haven't seen a myriad of other wonderful builds and places to enjoy in SL this year! The creative thinking behind every avatar is always a wondrous thing to see. What an amazing world we have created in our Cyberworld!
Peace and goodwill to you all. May the worst of the last year be washed away by an optimism for a peaceful and joyful 2012!
May you all have a safe and relaxing Christmas with your loved one and familles and I hope you all have a visit from the jolly fat guy in the red suit!
Merry Christmas!
Teresa Korhonen
Monday, June 27, 2011
Well hello everyone!
Finally after months of being asked, I decided to go back and make another island. My good friends Elbag and Brenda from the famous Eden group of islands offered me a place to set up and re-create an old magic, a magic long past and almost forgotten.
The Island is called Naked Dreams. I like to say, dream it and it is!
I had so many comments from people saying they missed Buffys as it was when we had it. The dynamics of what was changed and they missed the olden happy days there. I decided it was time to re-create the magic as Buffys was.
My Island is made with peace and love. No hate, no hurt, just love and respect. Bring a healthy dose of that and chill out. Ride the Hammerhead, the green Sea Turtle or the Manta ray. Enjoy the reef as it was in the past. You will find all the old rides are there too. There's even new ways of getting around!
The Island is a nudist island and while I will never accept nude police making sure you are naked, its expected that's how you would relax on Naked Dreams.
You will also find four units to rent too. There are two Penthouses and two units below all with stunning ocean views. Just drop me a line in world if you would like to live in your own Naked dreams!
There is also a support group too. Come and visit and I will make you a Naked dreamer!
The island is pretty much lag free, very tropical and very relaxed. I would love to welcome you to its shores.
Maybe the best thing is, we have no baggage at Naked Dreams. When we took over Buffys, there were so many people that expected us to listen to their every word on how they expected Buffys to be operated. All the owners of Buffys were aware not to change anything so as not to upset anyone. Well, at Naked dreams it's a fresh canvas with some nice fresh paint but still with respect for what was a much loved island in SL, an Island that is so different now that people have forgotten how it used to look.
I am in competition with no one. My dear friend Gray is operating Su Casa and it is stunning in every way. I take my hat off to my friends at Bare Naked Angels too. These were the islands I found so much happiness in after the Buffys demise.
Peace and love to all that come by our way. With a gentle wave of a palm frond or a turtles fin, you will be welcomed into your own Naked Dreams.
Can't wait to share a coconut milkshake with you soon!
To find us, simply go to my profile and check Picks. you will find Naked Dreams there waiting for you!
Love to you all.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Goodbye to Buffys and why...
Well hello everyone! I have not written here for so long but today I feel I must and set the record straight on something very big in my SL life.
I, along with 3 wonderful sl friends have been the managers and owners of Buffys Cove and its small sister Island Pollo over the last two years. Sadly I made the announcement recently that as the owners here, we would be leaving. What that really means is we have decided to stop paying rent here and we are moving on. The Islands will go back to sand to be built on by whoever decides to rent them off ACS.
There are reasons but there is one main reason why this has occurred and I need to outline the truth. After all, we had an owners meeting just before Christmas where we had all agreed we would obligate ourselves to another year as owners here.
Buffys was about to be deserted by its original builder over two years ago and since this person was a good sl friend of mine and had offered me some beautiful opportunities, I felt I had a duty to save it. I truly loved the Island as so many of you do. Eventually we had four of us who agreed to pay real dollars into this place to keep it going.
This person told us they were leaving sl forever and of course also wanted us to save their beautiful build. This person left many items of his on the island for us to use so we could retain the character of what the Island was and meant.
To allow items to be saved in a build, you must belong to a single group. Our group was called Buffys Holdings and was originally set up by the original owner. I had been a member of this group for at least a year before taking over Buffys and part of my deal was that I wanted to be the builder on the island while also being one of the owners. I have built many like this island myself and I wanted to retain the original feel and brilliance of what this person had created.
An amazing builder and mutual friend of mine supplied the Palms and the Animals on the Island to the original owner. He also had to be left in the group so his things did not do the disappearing trick after our set 7-minute time out. This is why we left the group in tact. I had no idea that we would see the original owner ever come back into sl! We as the 4 owners allowed people like the original owner full control and these people could literally come along and return or delete everything on Buffys. This is still possible by the way! We trusted that the Island, since we paid for it, would be respected by all. How wrong we were!
The Island cost us to rent off ACS over $120 American dollars a month, Pollo half that. That is a grand total of around $190 US dollars a month or somewhere around 50000 Linden. Gray, my beautiful business partner in sl paid for one quarter of Buffys and all of Pollo! How amazingly unselfish this man is! We have both put thousands of real dollars into this place. Can you say you have done this sort of thing too?
I am a hairdresser in rl so getting the money together was a bit hard sometimes, however when people came up and told us they loved the place as they sometimes did, I felt my little hobby was more than justified. At other times when they came to attack me for all sorts of reasons I felt sl was the worst hobby in the world and I would go to the beach rl instead. However we continued on.
Recently we heard that the original owner was to come back. I was overjoyed and put out a notecard to all in the Buffys Holding group announcing his/her return. Early conversations this person had with Gray said that they would pay for and take over the half sim Pollo. I was totally over the moon with this.
I saw the person soon after in world and went to see them. I saw no interest in Pollo from them and I soon realised this person had purchased another small quarter sim next to Pollo and Buffys.
This person told me and another that they wanted to change over the plants and adjust the cliffs on Buffys. We went to an area in sl and actually purchased plants for this reason. I felt I wanted some control as this person pays nothing towards our Islands!
As I followed her along like some apprentice builder, I soon gathered they wanted to control Buffys as the owner again.
I offered this person Buffys back right there and then. I said I was happy to withdraw and let them take it back over but, no, while they wanted control, they did not want to pay for any of it. I felt like I had been a caretaker and a surrogate owner. The entire fabric of what Buffys meant to me did fall over at this moment of realisation. My heart sank to the deepest depths.
The next day I came back in I found items added into Pollo and Buffys. Furniture, Plants, Signs, and even a large bridge blocking the sea made me freak out. I have total respect for this person so I was not about to return them. I wanted a peaceful solution. I was confused and very hurt.
Without warning I would get a tp summoning me to wherever this person was. No hi, or hello! Just a tp offer. This is not how I operate but I did go and ask her to refrain from adding anything to our Islands until we had spoken to the Owners group collectively.
This was agreed by this person but coming in every time saw more changes, even the Whale on the main beach had been turned around! Then I noticed all the landscaping had been changed and then worse, a massive trench had been dug outside the main beach area of Buffys. I honestly felt like I had no control. My sand features all needed repair and anyone who knows terrafirming in sl would realise how heartbreaking it was for me after the work I had put in.
Over the course of all this happening I would let Gray know. I don’t want to speak for him but I could see he was getting so tired of it all. We felt like the last two years we have been used and now he/she is back, we mean nothing. We may pay for Buffys and Pollo but we are at the mercy of this person.
Only yesterday I walked onto a prim that sometimes loses its firmness and decided to simply swap it over. Imagine my surprise when the ex owner questioned me over this.
He/she wasn't even on my land! Why don’t people understand it is not his/her Island anymore, he/she just loaned us some parts!
I don’t go into my neighbors and ask them why they threw out some leftovers? I pointed out to this person how could I ever feel like I am the owner/builder here if I can’t even adjust 1 Prim on my Island without being scrutinized? Why do people pay real money of their own to sl to offer a free beautiful area to others only to be scorned upon by others?
I have not logged in since. I was so hurt and disgusted.
What most long term visitors to these Islands think is that nothing much has changed apart from what I have added in. The truth is I have adjusted and painstakingly moved nearly every last prim on Buffys and adjusted the terrafirming at nearly every point to make the Island better visually. When I first went there you could not even walk in the village.
I am not much into abstract design where as the original owner is. One look at their new rock will prove what I mean. I went all over Buffys to improve it and I am totally proud of what I have done. If you could see a layout of how it looked to now, there are major changes that have taken place while the basic layout has remained.
Gray and the rest of us are simply worn out from all of this. It is just no fun anymore. Some of my so-called sl friends have already totally turned on me. I have been called everything you could ever think of. A Liar, Paranoid, Hateful, and told simply to go to hell by one individual. Well, if this is friendship after what we did at Buffys, then THIS IS HELL and I don’t intend to stay!
A beautiful friend said to me today, why pay to suffer pain. I ask you all, would you pay for a hobby that hurt you?
You people who have been so quick to judge and so quick to desert the owners here should be ashamed and if you don’t know much on the real workings of sl, I suggest you learn quickly before uttering total lies to others in world.
I wanted to explain to everyone what happened in a group note but Gray just wants to let it all go and asked me not to 'air the dirty laundry'. A friend suggested I write this and to be honest it has been a great release for me. Just so you know, even as late as two days ago, after all this has happened, I spoke to Gray about carrying on but he is over it. I have every note, every transaction detailed so at least I know the TRUTH.
Finally, as Buffys as it was known and so beautifully loved and enjoyed vanishes, I would like to thank all those people who have supported the truth, and have supported me. I will never forget you and all I can say is Karma will judge everyone involved in the demise of Buffys.
If you feel ready to take a shot at me, I really hope your real life Karma is ready for that.
If you feel you have a right to say I am wrong then may you suffer what will come your way.
We never charged a fee, we never had a toll, we only wanted a place of beauty and peace in sl you all could enjoy without griefing and lag. We did what we said we would do. Recent events have made it impossible to carry on.
Now after reading this and you think I didn't love the former owner here, then be sure to read all my posts. You will hopefully wonder like I do why I have been treated as I have.
And if you are one of those that have ever attacked me, then I know you must be so terrible and low in rl that I don’t want to know who you are.
Hope your days are blessed in both worlds.
Peace and Love to you all from a bloodied and hurt and largely forgotten Teresa Korhonen.
I, along with 3 wonderful sl friends have been the managers and owners of Buffys Cove and its small sister Island Pollo over the last two years. Sadly I made the announcement recently that as the owners here, we would be leaving. What that really means is we have decided to stop paying rent here and we are moving on. The Islands will go back to sand to be built on by whoever decides to rent them off ACS.
There are reasons but there is one main reason why this has occurred and I need to outline the truth. After all, we had an owners meeting just before Christmas where we had all agreed we would obligate ourselves to another year as owners here.
Buffys was about to be deserted by its original builder over two years ago and since this person was a good sl friend of mine and had offered me some beautiful opportunities, I felt I had a duty to save it. I truly loved the Island as so many of you do. Eventually we had four of us who agreed to pay real dollars into this place to keep it going.
This person told us they were leaving sl forever and of course also wanted us to save their beautiful build. This person left many items of his on the island for us to use so we could retain the character of what the Island was and meant.
To allow items to be saved in a build, you must belong to a single group. Our group was called Buffys Holdings and was originally set up by the original owner. I had been a member of this group for at least a year before taking over Buffys and part of my deal was that I wanted to be the builder on the island while also being one of the owners. I have built many like this island myself and I wanted to retain the original feel and brilliance of what this person had created.
An amazing builder and mutual friend of mine supplied the Palms and the Animals on the Island to the original owner. He also had to be left in the group so his things did not do the disappearing trick after our set 7-minute time out. This is why we left the group in tact. I had no idea that we would see the original owner ever come back into sl! We as the 4 owners allowed people like the original owner full control and these people could literally come along and return or delete everything on Buffys. This is still possible by the way! We trusted that the Island, since we paid for it, would be respected by all. How wrong we were!
The Island cost us to rent off ACS over $120 American dollars a month, Pollo half that. That is a grand total of around $190 US dollars a month or somewhere around 50000 Linden. Gray, my beautiful business partner in sl paid for one quarter of Buffys and all of Pollo! How amazingly unselfish this man is! We have both put thousands of real dollars into this place. Can you say you have done this sort of thing too?
I am a hairdresser in rl so getting the money together was a bit hard sometimes, however when people came up and told us they loved the place as they sometimes did, I felt my little hobby was more than justified. At other times when they came to attack me for all sorts of reasons I felt sl was the worst hobby in the world and I would go to the beach rl instead. However we continued on.
Recently we heard that the original owner was to come back. I was overjoyed and put out a notecard to all in the Buffys Holding group announcing his/her return. Early conversations this person had with Gray said that they would pay for and take over the half sim Pollo. I was totally over the moon with this.
I saw the person soon after in world and went to see them. I saw no interest in Pollo from them and I soon realised this person had purchased another small quarter sim next to Pollo and Buffys.
This person told me and another that they wanted to change over the plants and adjust the cliffs on Buffys. We went to an area in sl and actually purchased plants for this reason. I felt I wanted some control as this person pays nothing towards our Islands!
As I followed her along like some apprentice builder, I soon gathered they wanted to control Buffys as the owner again.
I offered this person Buffys back right there and then. I said I was happy to withdraw and let them take it back over but, no, while they wanted control, they did not want to pay for any of it. I felt like I had been a caretaker and a surrogate owner. The entire fabric of what Buffys meant to me did fall over at this moment of realisation. My heart sank to the deepest depths.
The next day I came back in I found items added into Pollo and Buffys. Furniture, Plants, Signs, and even a large bridge blocking the sea made me freak out. I have total respect for this person so I was not about to return them. I wanted a peaceful solution. I was confused and very hurt.
Without warning I would get a tp summoning me to wherever this person was. No hi, or hello! Just a tp offer. This is not how I operate but I did go and ask her to refrain from adding anything to our Islands until we had spoken to the Owners group collectively.
This was agreed by this person but coming in every time saw more changes, even the Whale on the main beach had been turned around! Then I noticed all the landscaping had been changed and then worse, a massive trench had been dug outside the main beach area of Buffys. I honestly felt like I had no control. My sand features all needed repair and anyone who knows terrafirming in sl would realise how heartbreaking it was for me after the work I had put in.
Over the course of all this happening I would let Gray know. I don’t want to speak for him but I could see he was getting so tired of it all. We felt like the last two years we have been used and now he/she is back, we mean nothing. We may pay for Buffys and Pollo but we are at the mercy of this person.
Only yesterday I walked onto a prim that sometimes loses its firmness and decided to simply swap it over. Imagine my surprise when the ex owner questioned me over this.
He/she wasn't even on my land! Why don’t people understand it is not his/her Island anymore, he/she just loaned us some parts!
I don’t go into my neighbors and ask them why they threw out some leftovers? I pointed out to this person how could I ever feel like I am the owner/builder here if I can’t even adjust 1 Prim on my Island without being scrutinized? Why do people pay real money of their own to sl to offer a free beautiful area to others only to be scorned upon by others?
I have not logged in since. I was so hurt and disgusted.
What most long term visitors to these Islands think is that nothing much has changed apart from what I have added in. The truth is I have adjusted and painstakingly moved nearly every last prim on Buffys and adjusted the terrafirming at nearly every point to make the Island better visually. When I first went there you could not even walk in the village.
I am not much into abstract design where as the original owner is. One look at their new rock will prove what I mean. I went all over Buffys to improve it and I am totally proud of what I have done. If you could see a layout of how it looked to now, there are major changes that have taken place while the basic layout has remained.
Gray and the rest of us are simply worn out from all of this. It is just no fun anymore. Some of my so-called sl friends have already totally turned on me. I have been called everything you could ever think of. A Liar, Paranoid, Hateful, and told simply to go to hell by one individual. Well, if this is friendship after what we did at Buffys, then THIS IS HELL and I don’t intend to stay!
A beautiful friend said to me today, why pay to suffer pain. I ask you all, would you pay for a hobby that hurt you?
You people who have been so quick to judge and so quick to desert the owners here should be ashamed and if you don’t know much on the real workings of sl, I suggest you learn quickly before uttering total lies to others in world.
I wanted to explain to everyone what happened in a group note but Gray just wants to let it all go and asked me not to 'air the dirty laundry'. A friend suggested I write this and to be honest it has been a great release for me. Just so you know, even as late as two days ago, after all this has happened, I spoke to Gray about carrying on but he is over it. I have every note, every transaction detailed so at least I know the TRUTH.
Finally, as Buffys as it was known and so beautifully loved and enjoyed vanishes, I would like to thank all those people who have supported the truth, and have supported me. I will never forget you and all I can say is Karma will judge everyone involved in the demise of Buffys.
If you feel ready to take a shot at me, I really hope your real life Karma is ready for that.
If you feel you have a right to say I am wrong then may you suffer what will come your way.
We never charged a fee, we never had a toll, we only wanted a place of beauty and peace in sl you all could enjoy without griefing and lag. We did what we said we would do. Recent events have made it impossible to carry on.
Now after reading this and you think I didn't love the former owner here, then be sure to read all my posts. You will hopefully wonder like I do why I have been treated as I have.
And if you are one of those that have ever attacked me, then I know you must be so terrible and low in rl that I don’t want to know who you are.
Hope your days are blessed in both worlds.
Peace and Love to you all from a bloodied and hurt and largely forgotten Teresa Korhonen.
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